You can read the full changelog mixed in with an older one for some reason here:
Network: Issues in some cases of zombies, or players potentially being invisible.
Animations: New Ruger MKII Reload animations.
Crafting: SKS paint recipe
Crafting: Firefighter Axe paint recipe
Crafting: B95 paint recipe
Gear: Wool Coat red/black/brown/blue/green/grey/check variants added
Gear: Green and black variant of firefighter axe added
Gear: Rabbit leg, boar steak and chicken breasts added
Gear: Flat Cap red/black/brown/blue/green/grey/check variants added
Gear: Green and black variant of SKS
Gear: Green and black variant of B95
Gear: Long wooden ash stick
Spawns: Sporter 22, CR75, Amphibia S, 1911 and respective magazines and ammo (22LR and 9mm) added to spawns
Spawns: Wool Coats and Flat Caps added to spawns
Animations: Rolling left/right while zoomed in sights makes player zoom out for the duration of the roll.
Animations: Player can now be properly knocked out while in water.
Animations: holding animations of various weapon magazines correctly linked
Animations: Evade animations in prone (Q and E) are faster now.
Gear: Purification tablets package contains ten tablets now. Cholera removing functionality added.
Actions: Added collision tests for availability of prone position and vaulting
Structures: Items disappearing when dropped near stairs or walls
Sound: subsonic projectiles no longer emit supersonic crack
New weapons:
Sporter 22:
Amphibia S:
New clothing:
Wool coats:
Flat caps:
New bullets:
9mm Rounds:
.22 Rounds:
22 30 Round mag:
10 Round .22 Mag pistol:
I cannot confirm that animals are in the game, Nor the meat, I also can't confirm axes can be painted as of yet..
Thanks for reading my first analysis, I shall continue to post further updates in far greater detail later on.