Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Experimental Branch Update: 0.44.123800 4/16/14

We had a big update added to experimental today,. The 100 person server is also back up! Most experimental servers are running accelerated time testing. Meaning the time passes 64x faster. Throwing is the highlight of this update.

Changelog: None yet.

Misc changes:
It seems randomized door positions are in, Not confirmed.
It appears melee weapons got a big nerf.
New mouse controls.
The one step sound when running with a 2 handed melee weapon was fixed.

Item throwing:
You have to bind a key in Infantry Weapons for throwing to be enabled. From my experience it was extremely laggy when it was in the air. Although it was much smoother on a recently restarted 10 person server. The item you are throwing must be in your hands. You can't throw 2 handed melee weapons or guns yet either.

Video demonstration:

New weapons:

Bow and arrow:

You can make the bow by combining a long wooden ash stick with rope. Arrows seem to be either uncraftable, Very rare, Or the recipe is simply unknown. The bow always appears to have an arrow loaded although the player has no arrows in his inventory thus cannot fire it.

Plated 1911:

Not yet in-game:
To clear up confusion, These are items/features that may likely NOT be in game yet.

Karmanovka: This new town seems to not be in this patch.

AKM: Checked several firestations/military bases, Not found.

Hunting and cooking: Can't drop items into the cooking pots yet, Leading me to believe this feature is coming later.

Fireplaces: Wood and rocks still have no use, So i don't think this was added in yet.

Final notes: I think we're gonna get a bigger update very soon, Hopefully adding all the features above.

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